Fushimi Inari Shrine Kyoto

16 Best Attractions To See In Kyoto

Visitors to Kyoto will have the opportunity to explore the city’s best attractions. With its rich cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and breathtaking natural beauty, Kyoto offers a diverse range of experiences.

From the iconic Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, with its vibrant torii gates, to the serene Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, there is something for everyone. Other must-visit sites include the Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion), the Gion District, and Nijo Castle.

Enjoy Kyoto’s history, spirituality, and vibrant culture as you discover these top attractions in 2023.

Key Takeaways

  • Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine: A must-visit shrine with thousands of vermilion torii gates and a 2.5 mile hike to the summit of Mt. Inari, offering picturesque views of Kyoto along the way.
  • Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion): A Zen temple covered in gold leaf with a beautiful garden and reflection in the pond, providing a serene and rejuvenating experience immersed in Japan’s history and artistic heritage.
  • Gion District: An atmospheric district known for its narrow alleyways and merchant houses, famous as a geisha district and offering traditional tea ceremonies, flower arrangement, kaiseki meals, and unique souvenirs.
  • Arashiyama Bamboo Grove: A serene walk through towering bamboo stalks with a magical atmosphere of swaying bamboo and filtered sunlight, making it an awe-inspiring destination of natural beauty perfect for tranquility and exploration.

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine

Fushimi Inari Shrine Kyoto
Fushimi Inari Shrine Kyoto

Visitors to Kyoto will be captivated by the iconic Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine. This spiritual journey promises a unique and liberating experience, allowing visitors to enjoy Japan’s rich cultural heritage. As the home of Inari, the god of rice and sake, the shrine holds great significance and is believed to bring good fortune.

The shrine is known for its thousands of vermilion torii gates, creating a stunning visual spectacle. A 2.5-mile hike to the summit of Mt. Inari offers picturesque views of Kyoto along the way. The hike also provides an opportunity for peaceful reflection and exploration.

From the summit, visitors are rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of Kyoto, making this a must-see attraction for those seeking freedom and a deeper connection with the spiritual side of Japan.

Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion)

Kinkakuji Kyoto
Kinkakuji Kyoto

Surrounded by serene gardens and with a reflection in the pond, the Zen temple known as Kinkakuji stands as a stunning testament to Japan’s artistic heritage. Covered entirely in gold leaf, this magnificent pavilion draws visitors from around the world with its ethereal beauty.

As you step onto the temple grounds, you’ll be instantly captivated by the immaculate gardens, adorned with cherry and maple trees that create a picturesque backdrop. The tranquil atmosphere invites you to take a leisurely stroll and absorb the rejuvenating energy that permeates the air.

Kinkakuji provides a unique opportunity to Enjoy Japan’s rich history and artistic traditions, offering a truly unforgettable experience. Whether you’re seeking a moment of peace or a deeper connection with Japan’s cultural heritage, Kinkakuji is a must-visit destination for anyone yearning for freedom and inspiration.

Gion District

Gion Kyoto

Nestled within atmospheric narrow alleyways and merchant houses, the Gion District in Kyoto offers a glimpse into the traditional geisha culture. It is famous for its tea ceremonies, flower arrangement, and exquisite handicrafts.

Visitors to the district can enjoy the enchanting world of the geisha. They can witness elegant performances and experience the grace and beauty of this ancient art form.

The district’s traditional tea ceremonies provide a tranquil escape from the bustling city. Guests can savor the delicate flavors of matcha tea and indulge in traditional Japanese sweets.

Plus, the Gion District is renowned for its exquisite handicrafts. These include intricate kimono textiles, delicate porcelain, and beautiful lacquerware.

Exploring the narrow alleys and hidden corners of Gion, visitors will discover a world where time seems to stand still. It is a place where tradition and freedom coexist harmoniously.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove offers a serene and magical atmosphere, with its towering green bamboo stalks swaying gently in the filtered sunlight, creating a mesmerizing sight that captivates visitors.

This enchanting destination in Kyoto is a haven of tranquility and exploration. As you walk through the grove, you’ll feel a sense of awe and wonder at the natural beauty that surrounds you. The rhythmic rustling of the bamboo leaves and the soft sunlight filtering through the dense canopy create a truly ethereal experience.

Whether you visit in the early morning or late afternoon, the mesmerizing sight of the bamboo grove will leave you feeling rejuvenated and inspired. It’s a place where freedom and peace intertwine, offering a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Don’t miss the chance to Enjoy the enchantment of the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove.

Nijo Castle

Nijo Castle Kyoto
Nijo Castle Kyoto

Visitors can explore the historical and architectural significance of Nijo Castle through its lavish interiors, intricate design, and serene gardens.

This magnificent castle was once the Kyoto residence of the first Tokugawa Shogun, providing a fascinating insight into Japan’s feudal era and the life of a shogun.

The castle’s Ninomaru Palace features stunning wall paintings and sliding doors that showcase the exquisite craftsmanship of the time. One of the unique features of Nijo Castle is its ‘nightingale floors,’ which emit a chirping sound when walked upon, acting as a security measure against intruders.

The castle’s serene gardens offer a tranquil escape, with meticulously manicured landscapes and peaceful ponds.

Nijo Castle is a true testament to Japan’s rich architectural and historical heritage, making it a must-visit attraction for those seeking freedom to explore the country’s past.


Kyoto Kiyomizu Dera Temple In Kyoto
Kyoto Kiyomizu Dera Temple In Kyoto


Perched on a hillside, Kiyomizudera offers breathtaking panoramic views of Kyoto with its beautiful wooden temple and ancient architecture. Built in 780 AD without the use of nails, this impressive structure showcases the craftsmanship of the time.

The hillside location provides a stunning backdrop for viewing cherry blossoms during their peak season. Kiyomizudera is a blend of ancient architecture, serene gardens, and spirituality, making it a must-visit destination in Kyoto.

As you explore the temple grounds, you will be immersed in a sense of tranquility and freedom. The temple also holds cultural and historical significance, attracting visitors from around the world.

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of Kiyomizudera and the panoramic views it offers.

Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion

Ginkakuji Kyoto
Ginkakuji Kyoto

Walking through the serene moss garden, visitors to Ginkakuji can enjoy the peaceful and contemplative atmosphere of this Zen temple. Nestled amidst lush greenery, Ginkakuji, also known as the Silver Pavilion, offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city of Kyoto.

Here are some reasons why Ginkakuji should be on your must-visit list:

  • Timeless Architecture: The elegant traditional architecture of Ginkakuji is a testament to Japan’s rich cultural heritage. Adorned with exquisite details and intricate designs, the temple is a visual masterpiece.
  • Reflective Beauty: The exterior of the temple is covered in silver foil, which creates a stunning reflection when sunlight hits it just right. This ethereal sight is truly mesmerizing and adds to the temple’s serene ambiance.
  • Zen Gardens: Ginkakuji is renowned for its meticulously maintained moss gardens. These tranquil spaces invite visitors to sit and contemplate, offering a sense of peace and freedom from the outside world.

Ginkakuji is a haven for those seeking a serene and enriching experience. It embodies the essence of Zen philosophy and provides a space for reflection and rejuvenation.

Nishiki Market

Nishiki Market Kyoto D
Nishiki Market Kyoto D

Moving on from the serene and contemplative atmosphere of the Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion), the next must-visit destination in Kyoto in 2023 is the vibrant Nishiki Market.

This bustling food market is a paradise for food enthusiasts and culinary explorers. As you wander through its narrow streets, you’ll be greeted with a wide variety of fresh seafood, local produce, and mouthwatering delicacies.

Nishiki Market Kyoto
Nishiki Market Kyoto

The market offers a unique shopping experience, where you can Enjoy the traditional ingredients and flavors of Kyoto. Whether you’re looking to sample some of the city’s famous street food or purchase unique local ingredients to take home, Nishiki Market has it all.

Get ready to indulge your senses and experience the freedom of culinary exploration in this vibrant and lively market.

Katsura Imperial Villa

Katsura Imperial Villa
Katsura Imperial Villa

The Katsura Imperial Villa beckons visitors with its stunning architecture, traditional gardens, and guided tours for a deeper understanding of its cultural significance. This hidden gem showcases the beauty of Japanese design and offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere for exploration.

Philosopher’s Path

Philosopher S Path Kyoto
Philosopher S Path Kyoto

Lined with hundreds of cherry trees, the Philosopher’s Path offers beautiful views during cherry blossom season, creating a tranquil and peaceful ambiance for visitors to enjoy.

This scenic walking path stretches alongside a canal, providing a picturesque backdrop for leisurely strolls. As you meander along the path, you’ll be captivated by the delicate pink blossoms overhead, immersing yourself in the beauty of nature.

The Philosopher’s Path has long been an inspiration for philosophers and artists, with its serene atmosphere inviting deep contemplation and introspection. It’s a perfect escape from the bustling city, allowing you to slow down, breathe in the fresh air, and appreciate the simple joys of life.

Whether you’re seeking solace, inspiration, or a moment of reflection, the Philosopher’s Path is a must-visit destination in Kyoto for those who desire freedom and a connection with nature.

Kyoto Imperial Palace

Sento Imperial Palace Kyoto
Sento Imperial Palace Kyoto

Visitors to the Kyoto Imperial Palace can explore the beautiful gardens and traditional architecture on guided tours, providing a glimpse into Japan’s history and the palace’s importance as a symbol of Kyoto’s cultural heritage. The majestic and regal atmosphere of the palace transports visitors back in time, allowing them to enjoy the rich history and traditions of Japan.

Here are three reasons why the Kyoto Imperial Palace is a must-visit destination:

  • Historical Significance: As the former residence of the Imperial family, the palace holds great importance in Japan’s history. Guided tours offer a fascinating insight into the lives of the emperors and their influence on the country.
  • Cultural Heritage: The traditional architecture and meticulously maintained gardens showcase the beauty and elegance of Kyoto’s cultural heritage. Visitors can admire the intricate craftsmanship and design that represents centuries of Japanese artistry.
  • Natural Beauty: The palace’s gardens are a haven of tranquility amidst the bustling city. The carefully curated landscapes feature serene ponds, vibrant flowers, and towering trees, providing a peaceful escape for visitors.

A visit to the Kyoto Imperial Palace is an opportunity to experience the grandeur of Japan’s past and appreciate the enduring cultural heritage of Kyoto.

Sanjusangendo Temple

Moving on from the majestic Kyoto Imperial Palace, another must-visit attraction in Kyoto is the Sanjusangendo Temple.

This temple is famous for its extraordinary collection of 1,001 statues of Kannon, the goddess of mercy.

As you step inside the temple, you will be awestruck by the sheer number of sculptures, each one meticulously crafted and exuding a sense of spiritual and cultural significance.

The temple itself is also an architectural marvel, boasting the longest wooden structure in Japan.

The intricate and detailed sculptures, combined with the serene atmosphere, create a unique and awe-inspiring sight.

Whether you are a history enthusiast or simply seeking a spiritual experience, a visit to Sanjusangendo Temple is an absolute must.

Prepare to be captivated by the beauty and cultural richness that awaits you.

Toji Temple

Toji Temple Kyoto
Toji Temple Kyoto


Toji Temple, a World Heritage Site, stands as a testament to Japan’s ancient Buddhist traditions and architectural prowess. This magnificent temple, located in Kyoto, is a must-visit for those seeking a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and spirituality.

Here are the key highlights of Toji Temple:

  • Five-story pagoda: The towering wooden tower is the tallest of its kind in Japan, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding area.
  • Beautiful gardens: The meticulously maintained gardens of Toji Temple provide a serene and peaceful atmosphere, perfect for contemplation and reflection.
  • Historical artifacts: Inside the temple, visitors can admire a collection of ancient Buddhist statues and other artifacts, showcasing the rich history and artistic heritage of Japan.

With its cultural and architectural importance, Toji Temple is a true gem that offers a sense of freedom and tranquility to all who visit.

Kyoto International Manga Museum

The Kyoto International Manga Museum is a fusion of traditional and modern culture. It immerses visitors in the world of Japanese manga and comic books with its vast collection from different eras and interactive exhibits.

This museum is a mecca for manga enthusiasts, offering a unique and exciting experience for those who love this art form. Here are some highlights of what you can expect at the museum:

  • Extensive Collection: The museum houses a vast collection of manga from various eras, allowing visitors to explore and appreciate the evolution of this popular medium.
  • Interactive Exhibits: The museum offers interactive exhibits that engage visitors in the manga world. These exhibits provide a hands-on experience and bring the stories to life.
  • Workshops: Visitors have the opportunity to participate in workshops where they can learn about manga creation techniques, storytelling, and even try their hand at drawing.

With its blend of traditional and modern elements, the Kyoto International Manga Museum is a must-visit destination for manga enthusiasts and anyone interested in exploring the rich and vibrant world of Japanese comics.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Participate in a Traditional Tea Ceremony in the Gion District?

To participate in a traditional tea ceremony in the Gion District, visitors can enjoy the atmospheric district’s narrow alleyways and merchant houses. They can experience the art of tea preparation, traditional kaiseki meal, and matcha tea ceremony, while exploring the district’s traditional handicrafts and unique souvenirs.

What Are Some Recommended Local Delicacies to Try at Nishiki Market?

At Nishiki Market, visitors can indulge in a wide variety of fresh seafood, produce, and local delicacies. From mouthwatering sushi to delicious street food, Nishiki Market offers a culinary adventure that will satisfy any food enthusiast.

Can Visitors Explore the Interior of Katsura Imperial Villa Independently?

Visitors to Katsura Imperial Villa can explore the interior independently with guided tours for a deeper understanding of its stunning architecture and traditional gardens. It offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere, showcasing its influence on Japanese architecture and design.

Are There Any Special Events or Festivals Held Along the Philosopher’s Path?

Yes, there are special events and festivals held along the Philosopher’s Path. Visitors can enjoy cherry blossom viewing during the Sakura Festival and experience traditional tea ceremonies and cultural performances throughout the year.

Can Visitors Dress up in Traditional Kimono Attire When Visiting Kyoto Imperial Palace?

Visitors to Kyoto Imperial Palace in 2023 can dress up in traditional kimono attire. It’s a wonderful opportunity to enjoy Japanese culture and experience the regal atmosphere of the former residence of the Imperial family.

The Sum Up

To sum it up, Kyoto offers an array of captivating attractions that will leave visitors in awe.

From the mesmerizing Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine and its vibrant torii gates to the serene Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

The historical landmarks such as the Kinkakuji and Nijo Castle showcase the city’s rich cultural heritage.

The Gion District immerses visitors in traditional Japanese culture, while the Kiyomizudera temple offers spiritual tranquility.

For a more thorough guide please check out our 57 Unforgettable Things To Do In Kyoto guide.