Gion Matsuri Kyoto

Gion Matsuri: The Celebrated Festival of Kyoto

The Gion Matsuri is one of the most famous and largest festivals in Japan, attracting thousands of visitors every year. The festival takes place over the entire month of July, with many different events happening throughout the city.

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By Z3144228 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

One of the highlights of the festival is the grand procession of floats called Yamaboko Junko, which takes place on July 17. The floats are decorated with intricate designs and are pulled through the streets of Kyoto by groups of men. The procession is a spectacular sight to behold and is definitely worth seeing if you are in the area.

The festival is named after the Gion district in Kyoto, which is where many of the events take place. However, the main events of the festival actually occur on the opposite side of the Kamo River, near the Yasaka Shrine. If you are interested in Japanese culture and traditions, the Gion Matsuri festival is a must-see event that will give you a glimpse into the country’s rich history and heritage.

History of Gion Matsuri

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By Z3144228 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

If you’re looking for a festival that has stood the test of time, look no further than Gion Matsuri. This annual event, held in Kyoto, Japan, has been celebrated for over a thousand years, making it one of the oldest and most revered festivals in the country.

The origins of Gion Matsuri date back to the Heian period, which began in 794 AD. At that time, the festival was a religious event intended to appease the gods and bring peace and prosperity to the city of Kyoto. Over the centuries, however, the festival has evolved into a more secular celebration of Japanese culture and tradition.

One of the most iconic features of Gion Matsuri is the yamaboko floats, which are large, ornate structures that are paraded through the streets of Kyoto during the festival. These floats are constructed by teams of skilled craftsmen, who spend months creating them by hand. Many of the floats are adorned with beautiful tapestries and other decorations, making them a sight to behold.

Despite its long history, Gion Matsuri has not always been celebrated without interruption. In fact, the festival was temporarily suspended during several periods of war and political upheaval in Japanese history. However, it has always managed to bounce back, and today it remains one of the most beloved and anticipated events on the Japanese calendar.

Significance of Gion Matsuri

The festival is one of the most famous and important events in the country, and it has been celebrated in Kyoto for over 1,000 years. The festival is held every year in July, and it is a time when the entire city comes alive with music, dancing, parades, and other festivities.

The Gion Matsuri has a deep cultural significance for the people of Kyoto, as it is a way to honor the gods and protect the city from disaster. The festival was originally started in the 9th century as a way to appease the gods during a severe epidemic, and it has continued to be celebrated every year since then. The festival is centered around the Yasaka Shrine, which is one of the most important shrines in Kyoto.

One of the most exciting parts of the Gion Matsuri is the grand procession of floats, known as the Yamaboko Junko. These floats are decorated with beautiful fabrics and intricate designs, and they are pulled through the streets by teams of men. The procession is a spectacular sight to see, and it is one of the main highlights of the festival.

Another important aspect of the Gion Matsuri is the Yoiyama, which are the festive evenings that precede the procession. During these evenings, the streets of Kyoto are filled with food stalls, music, and dancing. It’s a great time to explore the city and experience the local culture.

Preparations for Gion Matsuri

As one of the biggest and most famous festivals in Japan, Gion Matsuri requires extensive preparations to ensure its success. The festival takes place annually in Kyoto during the month of July, and it is essential to plan ahead if you want to experience it to the fullest.

One of the most important preparations for Gion Matsuri is to secure your accommodations early. With thousands of visitors coming to Kyoto for the festival, hotels and hostels can fill up quickly. Make sure to book your lodging well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Another important aspect of Gion Matsuri is the food. Traditional festival food such as takoyaki, yakitori, and shaved ice can be found throughout the festival. However, due to the large crowds, it is recommended to bring your own snacks and drinks to avoid long lines and high prices.

If you plan on attending the festival’s parades, it is important to arrive early to secure a good viewing spot. The parades can last for hours, so make sure to bring comfortable shoes, a hat, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.

Finally, it is important to familiarize yourself with the festival schedule and map. Gion Matsuri is a massive festival with numerous events and parades taking place throughout the month. By planning ahead, you can ensure that you don’t miss any of the festival’s highlights.

Events and Activities during Gion Matsuri


If you’re planning to visit Kyoto in July, you won’t want to miss the Gion Matsuri festival. This month-long celebration is filled with events and activities that are sure to delight and entertain visitors of all ages. Here are some of the highlights:

Yamaboko Junko Parade

The centerpiece of the festival is the Yamaboko Junko parade, which takes place on July 17th. This grand procession features dozens of elaborately decorated floats, each representing a different neighborhood in Kyoto. The floats are pulled through the streets by teams of men, who chant and shout as they navigate the narrow roads. It’s a truly spectacular sight, and one that you won’t soon forget.

Yoiyama Festivities

In the days leading up to the parade, the streets of Kyoto come alive with Yoiyama festivities. These evening celebrations feature food stalls, traditional music and dance performances, and other cultural activities. It’s a great opportunity to soak up the festive atmosphere and experience Japanese culture up close.

Mikoshi Procession

On July 24th, a smaller procession takes place, featuring portable shrines known as mikoshi. These shrines are carried through the streets by teams of men, who jostle and sway as they make their way through the crowds. It’s a lively and energetic event, and one that’s not to be missed.

Kyogen Performances

If you’re interested in traditional Japanese theater, be sure to check out the Kyogen performances that take place during the festival. These short plays are known for their slapstick humor and witty wordplay, and they’re a great way to experience an important part of Japanese culture.

Local Food and Drink

No festival in Japan would be complete without plenty of delicious food and drink, and the Gion Matsuri is no exception. Be sure to try some of the local specialties, such as yaki-soba (fried noodles) and yakitori (grilled chicken skewers). And don’t forget to wash it down with some ice-cold beer or sake!

With so much to see and do, the Gion Matsuri is one of the most exciting and vibrant festivals in Japan. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, you’re sure to have a great time at this incredible celebration.


Gion Matsuri Today

Gion Matsuri Kyoto

If you’re lucky enough to be in Kyoto during July, you’ll have the opportunity to witness one of Japan’s most famous festivals – Gion Matsuri. Today, the festival continues to attract millions of visitors from all over the world, making it one of the biggest events in Japan.

The festival has evolved over the years, but it still maintains its traditional roots. The main events of the festival take place over two periods in mid-July, during which elaborately decorated multi-ton floats are displayed and then pulled through the streets. The floats are accompanied by musicians and dancers, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

One of the highlights of the festival is the Yoiyama, which takes place on the evenings of July 16th and 17th. During this time, the streets are closed to traffic and filled with food stalls and vendors selling traditional festival goods. It’s a great opportunity to try some local delicacies and immerse yourself in the festival atmosphere.

Despite its popularity, Gion Matsuri has managed to maintain its charm and authenticity. The festival is a true reflection of Japanese culture and traditions, and it’s a must-see for anyone visiting Kyoto in July.